Signs Of Sight Loss

Many people feel like their eyes are doing well and attribute their need to squint, get closer, or put off worrying about blurs and blocks, by telling themselves it is simply a sign of tiredness or some other temporary issue. The fact is that vision loss can sneak up on you if you are not diligent about watching your symptoms and getting regular optometry exams. At Optics&EYECARE we serve people with all ranges of vision in Ashburn, VA. If you have any changes in your sight, however slight they may be, don’t delay scheduling an exam.


  • Sudden changes in sight in one or both eyes. If you experience an overnight change in your vision it should be addressed right away. Don’t wait to see if it goes away or gets better, as some eye issues can be halted if they are caught early, but cause irreversible damage if left to progress.

  • Pain in the eyes. Eye pain is not normal and should not be dismissed as part of aging. If your eyes hurt call us to find out why.

  • A slow reduction in vision with blurry spots and blind areas. If you have smudges or blurs in sections of your vision, call us right away for an exam to find out the reason behind the changes.

  • Clouding of the eyes that are visible to others. If your eye lenses are visibly cloudy then do not delay your appointment, this can be a sign of cataracts or other conditions.


If you show any of these signs, or if it has been a year or more from the date of your last eye exam, then call us at Optics&EYECARE to set up an eye exam today. We serve patients in and around Ashburn, VA, with quality optometry care. Call today, at (703) 687-4719